Lesson of Being Social Municipality given to the Mayors of Balkan Countries

Lesson of Being Social Municipality given to the Mayors of Balkan Countries

A commission consisting of 21 persons, 15 of whom are mayors from West Thrace, Macedonia and Kosova have come to Turkey in the frame of International Educational Programme for Local Governments. Guest Commission sees the services of local governments in İstanbul onsite and receives information from Mayors about the works.

T.R. Premiership of Trukish Cooperation and Presidency of Management of Improvement and Municipality Union of Turkish World brought local governors of 21 provinces, most of whom are mayors from Macedonia, West Thrace and Kosova to İstanbul on the scope of International Educational Programme for Local Governments. In the guest Commisison which has stayed in İstanbul for 10 days, there have been authorities from the Municipalities of Üsküp, Manastır, Gostivar, Kalkandelen, Radoviş, Central Jupa, Plasnitsa, Salifoski, Kosova Gilan, Lipyan, İpek (Peja), Dragaş, Prizren, Prizren, Mamuşa, Piriştine, the West Thrace, Kozlubekir, Büyüksirkeli, Gökçeler, Susurköy .

The Guest Commission has joined in the meeting held in the Monicipality of Zeytinburnu on the topic of ‘’Understanding of Being Social Based Municipality and Politicies’ in the frame of education.

Mayor of Municipality of Zeytinburnu Murat Aydın has presented a presentation to his guest collegues in which there are examples from the works relevant to social based municipality carried out in Zeytinburnu for 9 years. Mayor Aydın, who made a brief evaluation before the presentation, has said that Zeytinburnu is as if a miniature of Turkish world and that 20 per cent of its population consists of citizens that has migrated from the Balkans and Central Asia.

Mayor Aydın, who says that ‘while forming policies we absolutely take this richness into consideration’, states that the municipality had loans in the amount of two times more than the annual budget when they came into power, but now it is the municipality of town that make investments at most in İstanbul with its own incomes.

Aydın, who has added that the definition of being municipality has changed in Turkey, says that social and cultural based municipality that was once regarded as luxury now becomes a field that cannot be abandoned.

After the presentation, Mayor Murat Aydın takes the mayors for walk to show Eating House of Municipality of Zeytinburnu and Garden of Medical Plants, which is the first and unique in Turkey.

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